
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Hair Specialist

Postoperative Information

After the completion of the operation, it is very important to prevent any trauma, hits, contacts and touches of the implanted area, since they may cause damage to newly implanted hair roots.

When you arrive home (or your hotel) after your procedure, please stay in bed and rest for the reminder of the day/evening, as the medications given to you during your procedure will make you tired.

After the operation some serous fluids stained with blood, may ooze out of or upon dressing. This is an awaited situation, anesthetic solutions and fluids given during surgery are leaking out. This leakage may continue after removal of the dressing and may stain your pillow up to 3 nights.

At the time of surgery, your scalp was thoroughly cleaned of blood and crusts, but these will tend to re-form soon after your procedure. You should use the SF spray for moistening the implanted area till first head wash, appropriate care of the recipient area will minimize crusting and make the transplant less noticeable and the healing more rapid.

Care should be taken while washing the transplanted site during the 10 days following surgery, because it is during this period that the healing mechanisms of your body secure the grafts firmly in place.

Do not bend your neck forward and sleep with your head raised at a 45- degree angle for the first 3 nights after the procedure; this may help to prevent swelling. You may use a recliner chair or 3-4 pillows.

If there is significant swelling, it usually occurs around the 2nd to the 5th day post-op. The swelling usually begins at the hairline and then, from gravity, it gradually moves down the forehead and settles into the bridge of the nose and around the eyes. Occasionally, it may cause the eyelids to swell shut for a short period of time especially if you remove headband earlier than first hairwash, bend your neck forward or slept in straight position.

Even extreme swelling always resolves by itself after a few days and does not require any special treatment. It should not be a cause for concern.

It is important when shampooing, or rinsing the transplanted area, that you are gentle for the first 10 days following surgery. DO NOT RUB, PICK, OR SCRATCH, as this may dislodge grafts. If there is still any residual crusting ten days after operation, you will begin to wash with gentle massage. First, soften the crusts by soaking them in the shower under direct running water and then, using shampoo, scrub them all off. If this is not done, the crusts will eventually fall off naturally as the hairs are shed.

Resume the recommended shampoo (revita) by your surgeon after 10 days and/or when the shampoo we have provided to you runs out.

From 10- 14 days post-op, you can expect that some transplanted hair will begin to shed. This is a normal process and should not be a concern. The healthy hair follicles are firmly in place at TEN days post-op and cannot be dislodged.

Please note that when hairs are shed during washing or during normal shedding period, there may be a crust at the top and a bulb at the bottom. Remember the bulb is not the root (the growth part of the hair follicle). It is normal for the hair, bulb and associated crust to be shed and this does not represent a lost graft. If a graft is actually lost (something that may occur the first few days following the procedure) there will be bleeding at the site of the lost graft. Therefore, if you don’t see any bleeding, don’t be concerned.

After 3-4 months newly implanted hair will be visible and grow slowly. Newly implanted hairs will shed and regrow gradually, not simultaneously. For this reason during shedding and regrowing phases, you will see aymmetric patterns of hair. Regrowing of the new hairs should be waited patiently without stress.

Numbness, tingling or similar sensations may occur temporarily on your scalp. These are the results of cutting small nerve endings in the skin during the course of harvesting the donor grafts and creating the recipient sites. This generally disappears within a few weeks to months, as nerve endings regrow. You may experience some itching either in the transplanted area or in the donor area following your procedure. In general, itching is part of the healing process and should not be a cause for concern. A common contributing factor may be dryness. You may also experience itching as the new hairs grow in. If the itching is bothersome to you, purchase Hydrocortisone Ointment 1% which may be bought over the counter (it must be in Ointment form, not a cream). This may be applied locally to the areas that itch, as needed, up to four times a day. If this doesnt help you may use antihistaminic tablets two times a day.

DO NOT SCRATCH THE SCALP as this may dislodge grafts.

You may perform your normal daily activities the second day following the procedure.

Abstain from sexual intercourse and alcohol for THREE days following the procedure.

For the first 10 days, you should avoid any activities that rub or put direct pressure on your scalp. After 10 days, you may resume your normal daily activities including mild exercise.

Body building or competetive sports (basketball, football) should be postponed for1 month.

You may have a hair cut for corrective purposes (especially the untouched areas during operation and the donor area ) 1 month after the operation. DO NOT SHAVE THE IMPLANTED AREA WITH RAZOR FOR AT LEAST SIX MONTHS

Please avoid unprotected exposure to sunlight for at least one month and /or until the readness completely wears off. Ten days after operation you may wear a hat when you are going to be outside. After 10 days you may use a strong sunscreen with a SPF of 30+. Sun burns may cause the redness to be permanent, otherwise it is temporary. Do not get sunburns or excessive sun on an unprotected scalp any time. This is good policy for everyone, not just those who have had a hair transplant.

Use Minoxidil after the redness completely wears off, minoxidil (Rogaine, Regaine) may cause irritation to the scalp. If this occurs after a hair transplant, it can interfere with hair growth. If any sign of redness, irritation, itching, or burning occurs, stop the medication and call your doctor.

A few pimples in the recipient and/or donor area may be seen, starting at about a month following surgery and continuing for a period of time. These are new hairs breaking through the skin. They occasionally can be confused with a true infection, but pimples tend to resolve on their own in 3-4 days. As individual pimples resolve, new ones may crop up. They generally do not require treatment.

Ingrown hairs may cause a cyst to develop in the area of a graft.Cysts present as local swelling and redness, with or without tenderness. Rarely requires medical intervention, mostly resolves on their own.

Smoking causes constriction of blood vessels and decreased blood flow to the scalp, predominantly due to its nicotine content. The carbon monoxide in smoke decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. These factors may contribute to poor wound healing after a hair transplant and can increase the chance of a wound infection and scarring. Smoking may also contribute to poor hair growth. Although it is not known exactly how long one should avoid smoking before and after a hair transplant a common recommendation is to abstain from one week prior to surgery until two weeks after the procedure. Do not dye your hair for 3 months following the procedure. Do not use cosmetic camouflage agents (such as Toppik) for at least 14 days following your procedure.

Swimming in sea allowed after 3 weeks, in pool after 6 weeks. Because pool water contains chlorur and many fungi and bacteria.

Solarium and sauna (hot tub, Turkish hamam) forbidden for 3 months.

The definitive result of your hair transplantation will be evident at least 12-18 months after surgery.